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How Does Investing Work? Investing in Stocks for Beginners


1. How Does Investing Work?

Without a doubt, becoming a master of the stock market can boost your income. However, how does investing work, exactly? The learning process can be very intimidating, leaving many to give up when they’re first learning how to get into stocks.

Luckily, we’ve compiled an easy-start investor guide to creating stellar portfolios, even if you’re a beginner. Here’s our simple guide to investing with noticeable results.

Just before we get into it, we would like to tell you a bit about Ellevest. Ellevest ‘s unique platform provides a customized investment plan to reach your big goals while on the quest for something big! Ellevest focuses on helping women invest in specific real life goals like buying a home or starting a business. They offer three types of memberships, an Essential Plan for just $1/month, a Plus Plan for $5/month and a Premium Plan for just $9 a month so why not go on over to their site and see if Ellevest is for you!

Also, Tally is an awesome App that everyone should have! It can help you manage your credit cards and pay off debt easier!

2. How to Get Started in Stocks

Consider what type of account you’re looking for while evaluating investments. In general, there are two main categories:

  • Self Managed: If you have a bit more experience in the stock market, or have a retirement account like a 401(K) provided through your employer (Yes, these are investments!). You can set up your stocks directly through an online stockbroker.
  • Robo-Advisors: For a small fee or commissions on your returns, you can choose to opt for a Robo-Advisor. This service will manage your stocks and tradings for you, making this an ideal option for users new to the market, or hoping to invest time elsewhere. If you’re deterred by the fee, consider using a trading host platform that offers great customer service to answer all of your initial stock-related questions.

3. What Kind of Stocks Should I Invest In?

Once you pick out the type of investment account, you’ll have to pick what type of stocks to invest in. The account harbors the earnings and initial investment of the stocks as a whole. Choosing your stocks appropriately is arguably the most important part of smart investing. There are two main types of stocks:

  • Mutual Funds: These stocks and exchange-traded funds allow you to purchase small shares of a large conglomerate of stocks. These stocks may take a longer period of time to develop a significant return. However, their stabilized nature makes them appealing to many investors just starting out.
  • Individual Stocks: These are stocks investing in specific companies. You can build a diversified portfolio out of multiple shares and stakes in different companies. However, generally, these stocks are riskier than stock mutual or exchange-traded funds. It may be helpful to invest in software allowing you to easily track the ever-changing market in which case you can purchase these shares from any online.

Regardless of which financial products are right for you, if you’re spending more than an hour or two on your computer each day, we highly recommend wearing a pair of blue light glasses. Check out Baxter Blue Glasses for our favorite brand.

4. Know Your Guidelines

It’s important that you budget appropriately for the stock market, as stocks, especially mutual funds, rely on the time that they are left alone to develop a return. That means that you should think of your invested money as non-existent until your shares are eligible for renewal.

Moreover, note that stocks and trades need to be reported on your yearly taxes. Also, consider opting for a tracking or organizational software to ease the process. It’s common for online brokers to have transactional limits per cycle as well.

5. Watch Your Money Grow

And there you have it! Investing in your first stock is only a few clicks away. Recognize that mastering the market takes years of learning and hard work. To maximize your earnings, make sure you’re constantly seeking advice whether that’s online or through a helpful e-course book.

Congratulations on taking the first step towards personal investment and a positive financial future. Hope you enjoyed reading up on how investing in stocks work and how you can possibly become a master of the stock market. Best of luck investing in stocks!
